Tecnicar ended its first weekend of the season in a positive way, adding up all the learning gained. Lorenzo Castillo had a good first round. In addition, Wiktor Dobrzański stood out in the second race. Gustaw Wisniewski had a good pace in the classification, and was able to gain experience and mileage.

The 2024 Spanish Formula 4 season began at the Circuit de Madrid Jarama RACE.

The first round of the season began with a test, very important to familiarize with the circuit and take shots with the single-seaters, besides being useful to collect information.

After two free practice sessions, the first qualifying of the weekend took place on Friday. Castillo achieved a deserving twenty-eight place, followed by Dobrzański. For his part, Wisniewski took the thirty-first position.

The first race had several incidents that caused the Safety Car to exit on two occasions. Our drivers had a positive session, winning several positions and reaping a positive result for the team.

The last day of the weekend began with the second qualifying session, where the grid order for the third race was decided. Wisniewski was able to place himself in twenty-fourth place, being a great starting point for the final session, while Castillo was thirty-third and Dobrzański thirty-fifth.

The second race was very bumpy, with a red flag and several outings of the Satefy Car. Our drivers were affected, however, Dobrzański managed to come back in the final part of the race to cross the finish line in twenty-third position. In addition, Wisniewski finished twenty-seventh, followed by Castillo.

The final race of the weekend was packed with action, with the Safety Car having to hit the track three times. Castillo has made a big comeback, finishing in eighteenth place. Dobrzański finished in twenty-seventh place, while Wisniewski ended up in the gravel and couldn’t continue the race.

Lorenzo Castillo:

“I did well in the first race, with a pretty good pace and winning seven positions. However, the last race has been the strongest. If I improve in qualifying, I can be on the points soon. ”

Wiktor Dobrzański:

“The first round was pretty good. The third race wasn’t all right, but I’ve seen an
improvement in me. I am happy. ”

Gustaw Wisniewski:

“The weekend has been positive, and the whole team has worked amazingly. Second qualifying went well for me. I think the team is happy. ”